Sunday 25 August 2013

Last weekend.

August 10th and 11th was my last weekend in Washington and it was a pretty good one!

August 10th, Saturday, Erin and I went to the Newseum. The Newseum is a museum based around news, so television, radio and newspapers. It's one of the only museums in DC that you have to pay for and it was quite expensive! However, the ticket was good for two days, but Erin and I finished it all Saturday. We got to the Museum at 10 and were there until 4:45. The museum was pretty interesting, but it wasn't my favorite and I probably won't go back unless they have a special exhibit I want to see. The special exhibit they have on now is based around JFK and his family while he was president. It was an okay exhibit, but neither Erin or I wanted to see two and a half floors of pictures and read about his story. By the way this museum is HUGE! It's six stories and has a basement making seven! Anyway, one whole floor was devoted to interactives, like games and the opportunity to be a news person. My favorite part of the museum was the room where they had a bunch of old newspapers. The newspapers spanned from earth 16th Century to 2005 I think. Some of them were really cool! There was the first bilingual paper, which was the Gazette in Montreal, a Moon Hoax where someone claimed in the 17th century that they saw giant flying birds on the Moon. There was a notice in a paper that the King had lost his dog and there was an award. There was an article and a cartoon on Jack the Ripper and so much more! It was definitely my favorite part! For lunch Erin and I went to the museum's cafe. The only reason I mention this is because I had a really tasty cupcake there! It was a vanilla almost cornbread like cupcake which peanut butter on top and then it had jam in the middle! It was so tasty! It wasn't sweet at all and tasted like a peanut butter and jam sandwich, which makes sense since both were on the cupcake.

Sunday was Lynn's choice! Erin and I met up at 10am at the Adams Morgan Metro and headed out for brunch. We ended up at this place called The Diner. I had bread pudding french toast! It was quite delicious, but really filling and I didn't really feel like eating for the rest of the day. After brunch we got back on the Metro and headed out to Old Alexandria. It's so pretty out there! There's so many cool little shops and museums and everything looks so quaint and old. We walked down King Street popping in and out of some of the shops. I mostly just looked because I'm not really a shopper, but Erin kept admiring all of the jewelry. Even I have to admit some of it was pretty interesting. There were rings that had 2000 year old Roman glass in them that I thought were so pretty that I would probably where them! That's saying a lot coming from me since the only accessory I normally have is a pocket watch. Although, I guess what I like makes sense with my personality. I am a history major so it only makes sense that I would flock to the older stuff. Erin and I stopped in this Apothecary Museum on King Street. It was very interesting! The apothecary was established in 1797, I think, and lasted until 1933. All the stuff in there was from the apothecary. The only way to look around inside was to get a tour, so we did. It was really interesting to learn about this places history and what certain herbs, medical stuff and non-medical things were used for. After that we continued down the street. We eventually got to the water and the Old Torpedo Factory Art Center. This Torpedo Factory has been transformed into an art center. Artists not only sell their art here, but they also have their studios here. It was a really neat idea to transform something that used to be destructive into something that augmented the community. It is three stories tall and has every kind of art that you can imagine inside! After wandering around Erin and I stopped at Pop's old fashion ice cream for a snack. Erin got a really pink strawberry floats which was pink/red pop with strawberry ice cream. She said it was really sugary and very pink! I had something called a Broadway Soda. It is coffee ice cream blended with carbonated water and chocolate syrup. It sounds gross  but it actually was pretty tasty! After our snacks we wandered around a bit more before hopping on the free trolley outside the Torpedo Factory and taking it back to the Metro. It would have been nice to have had more time in Old Alexandria. I wish I would have been able to go on one of their ghost walking tours they have at night. However, it was a great day and a great last weekend!

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