Sunday 26 May 2013


I have now been in Minneapolis for two full days and I have one more to go before I head to Washington DC.
Friday my uncle successfully picked me up from the airport. I think I had some doubt that he would be able to, but I knew that my aunt would make sure everything went smoothly. I'm kidding! My uncle is quite responsible! Well, at least he his most of the time! After they got me from the airport we went to supper at Good Earth with my cousin and her boyfriend I met for the first time. We sat at the restaurant for almost 3 hours. Yes, we were one of those groups unnecessarily taking up a table.
Saturday my aunt and uncle took me on my first bike ride of the season to Tea Source. It was a total of 15 miles and now my caboose hurts from the seat and my legs hurt from the workout. It was really nice to get out with them and to be included in their routine. The tea at Tea Source was quite tasty and I think I would like to go their again! I'll try to be better at remembering what I had at restaurants and coffee shop, but I don't promise anything! Later that afternoon my uncle and I went to see Star Trek: Into the Darkness. I loved it! I thought it was intriguing and I really liked the actors, especially Simon Pegg and Bernard Cumberbatch. That evening we went to a church potluck. My aunt, uncle and cousin go to the Church of All Nations and each month they have a fellowship meeting/gathering. I met a lot of people their including some of their pastors who seem very knowledgeable. These people are all very nice and accepting. They are a diverse group who have immigrated to America from all over the world and because of that they understand the need to surround oneself with loved ones and the need to make a new family when ones own is so far away. I have never been a religious person and probably never will, but I was still accepted with many hugs which I awkwardly returned.
Sunday we went to the Church of All Nations for congregation. I don't know much about congregations and worship, but it was nice and seemed to resonate with the people there. Following that there was a church lunch and then I returned to my aunt's and uncle's to play games with them and my cousin and her boyfriend. My aunt won the two games of Dominion to my uncle's horror. My aunt and uncle went to a wedding and I was handed off to my cousin for the rest of the afternoon. We went to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and wandered around a bit before getting tea at Internationale Spy Cafe. I had another wonderful cup of coffee. We then headed off to another church gathering for supper. Supper was very nice and there was a lot of food since it was another potluck. It was a smaller group of people that time and it gave me the chance to talk with some of them more. My cousin then took me back to my aunt's and uncle's where we all convened to play two more games of Dominion. I won the first one and my cousin's boyfriend won the second. My uncle just couldn't get  break which infuriated him a little.
Those were my past couple of days. One more day in Minneapolis before I leave! It will be sad to go since I don't get to see my family here that much, but I'll get to start my next adventure.


  1. I guess I'm going to have to go back to Minneapolis sometime for the tea, the Sculpture Garden, I hope you took pictures, and the family.

  2. As I recall, I won at least a couple of games of Dominion.
