Friday 31 May 2013

Washington Day 4: Life and Death

I actually made it to the Museum of Natural History today. I left the house way to early this morning so I stopped at a cafe, Bliss Cafe, for a chai tea and a muffin. It was really yummy! It was on 2nd Street and Massachusetts Avenue. I would recommend it! I got to the museum and wandered around for almost three hours.

I found a artifact that mentioned Canada again!

It's a penguin! My favorite!

This bison was naturally mummified. I wasn't sure if I should be awed or grossed out.

I seem natural in the face of danger! No fear for me!

I was going to make a bad joke about how old people like my uncle should avoid this area, but I thought that would be in bad taste!

I finally left because I couldn't stand looking at another dead stuffed thing or just a thing that's dead from any era! Therefore I headed to a place where animals live, the Smithsonian National Zoo! Another reason why I left was because the museum was getting really crowded and I kept wanting to smack the children who were touching the objects! I was at the zoo for two and a half hours. It was in the hottest part of the day, so most of the animals were inside and some of the out of view. I did get to see the pandas and giant squid, so I was a happy camper!

I decided that I'm an emu whisperer. When I first came up to this emu it was looking away, but I was able to make it look at me by saying "emu." I know! You're all jealous of my talent!

An alpaca for my mom!


I have to admit that this zoo is better then the Calgary one. The Smithsonian zoo is smaller and has less animals, but the animals spaces are much bigger inside and out. When my family comes down I want someone to take me there so that they can buy me a souvenir! I have a lot more animal photos, but they would take up to much room! One neat thing about the zoo is that they had the zebra and the cheetah enclosures right next to each other. When I was there the cheetah went up to the fence and closely watched the zebra that was just on the other side before stretching and heading off. I got the idea that the cheetah had tried to go for the zebras before but suffered consequences and learned from that.

That's all for today! Write to you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget my alpaca when you come home. I'll be expecting it.
