Sunday 2 June 2013

Lazy weekend: Days 5 and 6

I went to ANOTHER grocery store yesterday. One of my roommates and I headed to Trader Joe's. We were able to catch the blue metro line at Capitol South and take it all the way up to Foggy Bottom. Trader Joe's was about four blocks from the station and my living space is about ten minutes from the Capital South station. I'm so thankful to my aunt for suggesting this place! I bought seven really nice looking frozen dinners. I got a quiche, samosas, enchiladas, lasagna, two types of pad thai and ravioli. I also got sandwich makings and salad makings for lunches this week along with A LOT of yogurt and granola. I got more and it all came to 57$. I couldn't believe it! That adventure took most of the morning because I was unsure of where I was going. In the afternoon two of my roommates and I headed first to the Botanical Gardens, with other people around I didn't take and pictures, and then we went to the Eastern Market. On the weekends the market is much bigger and there is even an accompanying flea market.

For the evening I had a ticket to the #nofiltershow at the U Street Music Hall. It starred Grace Helbig, Mamerie Hart and Hannah Hart. I had a VIP ticket so I got to go in early and I got a poster. I sat forth row from the front and was able to see everything really well! It was funny and I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was a really raunchy, but I knew that would be the case because I had watched these women on youtube and I really like their humor.

Today I went and bought sunscreen because when I woke up the left side of my body was a little burned.

Me in my new blue hat! It has sparkles on it!

Rest of my day was spent doing laundry. Whoever is doing laundry is not permitted to leave the house while the washing machine or dryer is on. Therefore, I was stuck in the house for three hours to do only two loads of laundry! The washing machine is horrible! The washing machine and dryer are built into one stacked unit and are ancient. The washing machine left undissolved soap on some of my clothes, so I had to hand wash them and it also made a horrible thunking noise like a herd of elephants were walking over head because it was shaking and rocking so much! With six girls that horrible washing machine is going to be used a lot and there's nothing we can do about it!.

I start my internship tomorrow! Hopefully that goes well! I'll also try to work on my blogging so that it's more interesting. 

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