Saturday 8 June 2013

Whoops! I missed some days! Days 10, 11 and 12.

Sorry! I missed a couple of days there! Thursday didn't seem interesting enough to post by itself and then yesterday I was to lackadaisical.

Thursday my supervisor was out. She had given me a project for the day, but being the fast efficient keener I am I finished it in the morning. It would have taken less time, but I triple checked my work in order to have something to do. In the afternoon I continued reading. My supervisor came into work at 4:30ish and asked me if I had rain equipment. Now, I had bought an umbrella specifically to come down to Washington, but they don't sell rain coats in Edmonton. I don't think anybody knows what a real rain coat looks like! I told my supervisor that I had an umbrella and a wind coat. She informed me that it's hurricane season and an umbrella won't always work! She said I needed to get a poncho! I had no idea where to get one, but she told me they sold them at all museum shops. However, she had one in her desk that I could have. Now I'm armed with an umbrella, a wind coat and a poncho! Hopefully I don't need much more! My supervisor was also telling me that at least once a hurricane season someone is killed by the wind snapping a branch off a tree and that branch landing on someone or their car. She also said that it's common for during thunder and lighting showers for people to hide under trees and then be struck by lighting! I'm now quite scared of the weather here! Hopefully it isn't to bad while I'm here! After work I decide that I again needed caffeine. However, I want to try as many places as possible. I chose a place called Ebenezer's Coffeehouse just because of the name. It was a little out of the way and even though it was nice, it wasn't good enough to go back. The building was really interesting looking, but the white mocha I had was to sweet and made my teeth hurt! On my way back from coffee it started to rain, but I had me handy dandy umbrella and therefore was fine!

One thing I've recently realized is that I still use and not even though I'm no longer in Canada!  I guess some habits are hard to break!

Friday I woke up to it pouring rain outside! It wasn't bad enough for my poncho, but I did wear my wind coat and use my umbrella. I guess I don't know how to use umbrellas because by the time I got to work the left side of my body was soaked because I wasn't holding my umbrella right. I was also wet up to my knees! I'm happy that I sit at a desk all day so no one could see how wet I was. I read most of the day yesterday. In the afternoon my supervisor set me up on a project for next week because she'll be gone most of the week. There are eight interns in my division. In the morning all eight of use showed up, but by four in the afternoon only one other girl and I were left. I heard two of the non-interns talking about how they felt bad that only the two of use stuck it out all day. Soon after someone came around and gave us chocolate as a little thanks. It's good that they noticed our dedication! I really want to do well in this internship even if it means just reading all day long! For supper my house and another WISH household decided to go to this restaurant called We The Pizza. It was really good! I had a piece of spinach and artichoke pizza along with a piece of regular cheese pizza. They were both really good and I would totally recommend it! They did take a really long time with one of our group members orders, but they handled the situation well and professionally.

Today, Saturday, I started my day off my going AGAIN to the Eastern Market with a roommate. There I bought peaches for the week and I browsed in the flea market. There was some really interesting old posters and maps and I think I'll go back and buy some. There was also this vendor selling unique postage stamps and there was one from 1969 commemorating man landing on the Moon. I might go back and get that because I think it would be a good way to remember this whole experience, even though I just started it. On our way back to the house we stopped for brunch. I had a pretty good waffle, but our waitress was one of two and was so stressed that she was almost in tears! If I go back in might be during the week when they're not so busy.
In the afternoon I met up with somebody else from Edmonton. She took a class with my boyfriend and is also interning at the Smithsonian, but at a different museum. We started out by going to the Museum of American History. It was nice to go to these places with someone else! We went through the main floor and the bottom floor. I would eventually like to go through the top floor, but I don't know if I would go back through the rest of the museum. It's nice, but it isn't my type/passion of history. It was interesting to see the Star Spangled Banner and the piece of the burnt down White House that the Canadians burnt down in 1812 before we were Canadians, but I don't want/need to see it all again.

  After we had gone through part of the museum with both agreed that we were hungry. In the museum it had mentioned Krispy Kreme, so that's what we both wanted. The nearest Krispy Kreme was a 40 minute walk away. We decided to walk instead of take transit in order to burn of the calories we were about to eat. On our way to the doughnut shop we passed by the White House. I have been here over a week now and this was the first time I had gone by the White House. There were protesters outside who were pro-marijuana.

We eventually got to the doughnut place and they were pretty decent doughnuts! I had a glazed doughnut with raspberry jam filling. When we were about to leave we saw all these people with rainbow pride flags. We didn't know what was going on. Then we saw this big crowd about a block away. It was the Pride Parade which was kicking off a week long festival on the Mall. I've never been to a Pride Parade, but it was really cool and the atmosphere was quite nice and jovial! 

I marveled at this lady's hair! It was so big!

This guy was riding a burrito! How do people think of these things?

This is a car with a wheat Mohawk!

I have more photos. Some really good and some just plain funny! I can't show everything on here or I'll have nothing to tell my family when I get home! We had been at the parade for an hour when we decided to leave, because there was no end in sight. All in all I spent six hours today with the Canadian friend and it was a very pleasant/great day! Tomorrow we're going to go to the Pride festival on the Mall! I'll take more pictures of that!

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