Tuesday 18 June 2013

June 17th and 18th

Monday was an exciting day. In the morning I went to an exhibit meeting. I'm going to be dealing with the images for the exhibit, so that will be really fun to do! After I went to a the planetarium with my male supervisor and his other intern. It was a show on why Pluto is no longer considered a planet. Rest of the morning was spent reading. At lunch the interns had to attend another brown bag lunch. This week interns started to introduce what they are doing during their internships. One girl in education had us build candy airplanes. One of my fellow Space History interns build the Wright Flyer! Mine wasn't as impressive. After seeing the other interns presentations the eight Space History interns decided that our presentation will have to be the best. To achieve this we plan on making a movie, a powerpoint, dress up in costumes and preform a secret handshake at the end of our presentation.

For supper my boyfriend and I went to Dupont Italian Kitchen. It was alright. Not as good as the Sicilian Pasta Kitchen in Edmonton! 

Today I spent the morning going through name tags and making sure the information was all consistent. At lunch we watched a silent film from 1903 called "A Trip to the Moon". It was really funny, but also quite confusing. It was interesting to see how they conceptualized space and space travel at the beginnings of the 20th Century. We started watching a TV pilot from 1959 called "Destination Space". In the afternoon another intern and I were started on a project to renumber over 300 photographs. We got through about 90 of them. Hopefully we can finish it tomorrow! Go intern power and having nothing else to do! For supper tonight my boyfriend and I went to this place called Circa Circle. Again, it was alright, not the best or worse. 

My family comes tomorrow and I'm really excited!! 

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