Sunday 16 June 2013

I'm getting worse at blogging regularly!

Well, I haven't blogged since Wednesday, but don't worry! You haven't missed much.

Thursday I finished my project for the week, so I read a book about space shuttles. I was told that it was a very popular book when it first came out because it gave people the opportunity to feel like they were flying a shuttle. In the book there was a section on the Canadarm. I didn't realize that was what the book was discussing until I saw the Canada flag.

After work my Canadian friend and I were going to go finish the American history museum because we thought it was open until 7:30, but it closed at 5:30. Instead we got frozen yogurt from a fro-yo food truck. I had a mixture of vanilla and strawberry yogurt and the strawberry was much better. Thursday there was a terrible storm predicted and a lot of people went home early just in case. There were periods of heavy rain, but for the most part it was sunny out!  The rest of the week weather warnings have still been up. It was been mostly relating to rain storms, wind and potential tornadoes. Both my Canadian friend and I had the same reaction when it came to the rain, it can't be that bad! I guess growing up in an area that doesn't get that much rain it doesn't seem like that much of a threat.

Friday I reviewed my work and read some more. In the afternoon six of us Space History interns went to the Imax movie Space Junk 3D. It was pretty good, but a little depressing. It described how the space around Earth has been clogged up by satellites that are now running into each other which is causing a lot of little pieces that cause more problems. Us interns left the movie in silence and were silent until we reached our offices before someone commented on how serious and depressing the movie was. After work I met my Canadian friend and we went to jazz in the garden. Every Friday there is jazz music in the National Gallery of Art garden. The music started out really good, but after being there for 45 minutes the music stopped. We waited for 15 more minutes, but something must have been wrong with the system because it looked like there was no music in sight. We decided to head to the monthly food truck festival, Truckeroo. We tried DC Empanadas. Their empanadas were pretty good. For dessert we had Goodies. My friend had a peanut butter shake and I had a root beer float. They were quite tasty! I then bought a cupcake to take home with me for breakfast. I don't remember the name of that truck. It's cupcakes were alright, nothing special. They had live music there. The band was good! When there set was done a new band was supposed to take their place, but they took to long to set up so we left. 
Jazz in the Garden

Food Truck festival

Saturday my boyfriend arrived in Washington DC at 4:30. To occupy myself in the morning the CF (Canadian Friend) and I went to the National Museum of the American Indian. The architecture was amazing! The exhibits were done really well. It was refreshing to see the US admit that they did something wrong when it came to their Native American population. I found it awkward that Native Americans were referred to as Indians. Every time I cringed. I also wanted to change all the exhibits that stated that in North America we have buffalo. No! We have BISON! For lunch we tried the cafeteria in the museum and it was good! I would recommend eating there. I had to leave the museum before we could finish it to get my boyfriend from the airport. I was so happy to see him! For supper we went to the Good Stuff Eatery and ha burgers, fries and shakes. The burgers were delicious, but the fries and shakes were average. I'm over joyed that my boyfriend was able to join me! He's staying until Saturday. I work all week so we have to figure that out, but it will be nice to have him here with me!

Today we went to the zoo in the morning. We were there for about two and a half hours and then it got to hot so we left. The International Spy Museum was next on the list. It was really cool! I want to go back because we didn't get to see everything or do the one hour spy interactive.  For lunch we went to a place down the street from the Spy Museum called Merzi. It was like a build your own Indian food bowl. It was pretty good, but I would suggest having a rice bowl or a salad and not the naan bowl. The naan wasn't the greatest. We then returned to my boyfriends hotel before going to Agora for supper. Agora is a Mediterranean place where you order a bunch of little dishes to share. IT WAS YUMMY! We're going back there for sure. The service was fast and food tasty. 

I can't wait for my family to come Wednesday! It will be a party!

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