Saturday 6 July 2013

Independence Day, Friday Day and Holocaust Museum

July 4th was American Day! I mean Independence Day! My Canadian friend and I decided that we wanted to have the whole American Day experience, so we decided to do all the festivities the city of Washington DC had planned. We started out at 11:45 by going to the Independence Day Parade. What's with the US and long parades? This one was over two hours long! By then end I was exhausted from sitting and standing in one place for so long! Also, there were so many marching bands! At one point we were joking that there was going to be a middle school and a high school marching band from each state because there were so many. Luckily there wasn't! The parade was pretty cool! They had some elaborate floats and giant balloons shapes like eagles, stars and Tweety Bird!

After we decided to go get crepes and smoothies because that's very American you know! That was followed by us stopping by the Folklife Festival which was packed of course. I finally bought myself a water bottle. I got the 5$ one instead of the 10$ one because it was cheaper. The only difference was the cheaper one said 2012 instead of 2013 on it. I'm fine with that because it's only a water bottle. It was getting hot out so we decided to head back to my place for a bit to cool down and have the most American thing in the world! A rootbeer float! It was so hot out and that float was perfect way to cool off! Sixish we went for pizza. I, still feeling American, got cheese pizza and an old fashion cream soda. Just when I thought my day wouldn't get any better we went to the Capital Concert. Every year they hold this concert and broadcast it across the nation! It wasn't at all what I thought it would be. I thought that the National Symphony Orchestra would be playing more, but it was mostly pop singers such as Barry Manilow and Darren Criss. I was a little disappointed by that. It made it worse that we left early to move more into the Mall so that we could see the fireworks. The people running the concert said you could see the fireworks from the concert, but we were happy we moved because we were pretty sure the trees in front of us would have blocked our view. Leaving the concert early meant we missed the National Symphony Orchestra play the 1812 overture, but we heard the cannons go off! The fireworks were spectacular! They were set off behind the Washington Monument. It was a little odd because sometimes you could see the fireworks through the scaffolding on the Monument, but it was still really cool! I'm quite happy that I had the Washington Independence Day experience! I did sometimes feel out of place when MCs would say things about everyone there being American and proud of their great nation, but I got over it and tried to embrace the one time experience.

Friday I was so tired! I trudged to work and was actually quite productive! I finished writing my little article about one of the Shuttle missions and began looking at pictures! That's pretty much all I did that day. After work I went and bought this kid's book written by one of the Space History curators and I'm going to ask her to sign it for my future kids! The book is about why Pluto isn't a planet and is told from Pluto's point of view. I went out for supper with my Canadian friend and one of my roommates to an Indian place called Rajaji near Adams-Morgan Metro stop. It was pretty good. After we went out for ice cream which was delicious and hit the spot on such a hot day!

Today I went with my friend to the Holocaust Museum. We were there from 10 am to 3 pm. It's a really good museum, but be ready to be depressed. After wandering through it for so long we were actually glad to be out in the hot sun which seemed quite welcoming after all the death and destruction inside the museum. We decided that we needed comfort food, so we went and got french fries and milkshakes which made things a little better, but even now I'm still down. The museum told me a lot of stuff I already knew about the Holocaust and some exhibits I didn't agree with because you can't force modern day ideology onto these people! Also, you don't know how you would react in a situation where you could save someone from being rounded up and killed and potentially have your whole family killed or stay on the sidelines and give yourself a bigger chance of survival. It's a really difficult thing to present. I think the museum did a great job. They made it not only informative, but interesting and engaging.

That's all for now. I'm probably going to go to sleep and have nightmares about death camps and crying children. Goodnight.

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