Monday 29 July 2013

Part one: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!

It's been so long since I've posted on my blog!

Monday was a normal day. It was our last brown bag lunch of the internship which was nice. I no longer have to hear what menial jobs other interns do! The internship has been a lot of fun, but the brown bag lunches can get a little boring.

Tuesday was lunch movie day. We watched two Future-rama episodes. I didn't think it was that funny, but some other intern suggested it, so we watched it. Tuesday morning was also my first day of touching space objects! In the morning my supervisor took another Space History curator and I out to Garbor and we catalogued some artifacts. I got to touch two kits of screw heads that have been in space. Some name tags, a vacuum, a pillow assembly and a lever for the space shuttle! It was so cool to be able to touch these objects that have been in space after working with them through the computer for so long! I like to pretend I got space germs from them and that I'm going to turn into an alien!

Wednesday a whole bunch of us interns from all around the Smithsonian got together for career fair. It was okay. I didn't really learn much and there was no one I was really interested in talking to. I learned that I can't work at the Smithsonian because I'm Canadian. A couple of years ago they changed their hiring rules, so now they only hire Americans. If you already worked there before the rules changed and you weren't American you got to keep your job, but now they're no longer hiring non-Americans. There goes my dream of working for the Smithsonian. Wednesday afternoon someone from the Smithsonian archives came over to see how I was doing with organizing boxes. She told me what stuff to weed out and how many copies of things I should keep. After she left I got to touch space objects for the second day in a row! After Valerie and I went to the safe room and I touched Shuttle tiles that have been in space and on a shuttle! It was amazing! Now the object itself didn't feel like anything special, but I felt so privileged that they were trusting me with holding these Space Shuttle tiles! I stayed late that day because Valerie and I got so into working with these objects!

Thursday was a pretty normal day except for that I went to my first dance party! It was also Christmas in July. The only Jewish Space History intern made us all dress up in Christmas colours. We then went to Potbelly's for our special holiday lunch and Daniel, Jewish intern, gave us all dreidels. It was a fun Christmas in July, but I'll probably never do it again. After work I met up with Erin and we went out for supper dressed up for our dance party. I wore my red dress and a white sweater and she wore a black dress and white sweater. We ended up in this place called Teaism for supper. I had a GIANT cup of ceylon tea. It was in a square cup which made it seem even more special and tasty. To accompany my tea I had a vegetarian bento box which was also tasty. Erin had a Moroccan Mint Iced Tea and a burger which she said was tasty. After eating we still had more then an hour to kill, so we went and sat on the Mall and just chatted. We got to the dance party just at 8 when it started. The dance party was called Smithsonian at 8. It was a Smithsonian event and held in one of their venues. The theme was the first man in space, the Russian Yuri Gagarin. There was much more then just dancing. Erin and I swabbed our cellphones and shoes for an experiment that might be sent up to the International Space Station. We also made origami airplanes/space ships. We took wacky photos at the photo booth and got Yuri temporary tattoos. We each got an astronaut/cosmonaut themed drink. I got a cosmonaut and I think Erin got a suchi. After our drinks we got our headsets for the silent disco. The silent disco means that you wear a headset and dance to one of two channels. No one else can hear the music and who knows if the people next to you are dancing to the same thing! It was so much fun! Erin told me that she had the most fun at this dance then she had in years because I was so crazy that she could be too. There were three line dances. The first two Erin and I didn't know, but quickly learned. The third was the YMCA. Erin and I started enthusiastically dancing and everyone else left the dance floor leaving just the two of us in the middle. After the song some people came back, but not everyone. We didn't care and kept dancing. In the end we probably danced for about an hour. We left at 10ish after being there for two hours. We were absolutely exhausted, but had so much fun!


  1. That sounds like just about the nerdiest dance ever. We're all jealous!

  2. At least the other people in the room would be able to talk.
    So what is a pillow assembly? I'm guessing it isn't for sleeping.
